"The Watchtower"
Announcing a New Comic Book
initially this post was a response to a question by a poster about the likelihood of an atomic weapon being detonated in the near future.
in order to preserve this topic i have moved it to this forum.. __________________________________________________________________ .
history is at a great turning point.
"The Watchtower"
Announcing a New Comic Book
it was truly a joy to see br.
and sister "--------".
last night, after 5 years of not attending meetings.. it was the loving sheparding our elder body provided .
Dear Nytel,
My newfound fitness guru..
What do you think of these new fitness gadgets
that will shock your abbs lean?
I bought one the other week, but
have yet to start my routine.
I want to loss about 200lbs. without leaving
the couch or cutting back on my junkfood.
How may hours do you think I should sit
with this thing straped on my mid section?
Any tips would be helpful.
dear pope, mr. falwell, mr. baker, mr. gordon b. hinkley,.
the chances of you reading this are the same as the gb reading this.. which makes this just as lame as posts on this board to the gb.. .
Gee Nytel..
You make a piss poor teach.
Why don't you sit down and
learn somthing for a change.
You may want to enroll in
English as a second language
to start with, then Grammer 101.
It will do you wonders in your
career with the cleaning crews.
the moody bible instititute wrote the watchtower society asking for a debate on the radio.
brooklyn sent them a list of 33 questions and stated that if they could not answer them, there was no use in debating.
23. was one penalty passed against his soul and another against his body?.
"Paste and Post Friday"
looks like it's just disappeared.
no more posts from danni.
no more posts from mymy.. just to add my own little tidbit here, has anyone heard of a park hills (or parkhill) congregation?
When did you become a redhead?
i am interested in the following incident(s)..... ........the witch-hunt at brooklyn bethel in the early seventies when dozens of bethel boys were disfellowshipped after learning of their midnight trysts in the sauna in brooklyn bethel...... if anyone can provide more detail i would be grateful!!!
What you talkin about?
P.S. You emailed me on the 8th and
I am awaiting your reply.
greg stafford is a jehovah's witness.... greg has recently said ... that he now believes that 1914 should not be a mandatory belief for jehovah's witnesses.
Fred, Please guide me to the litter box, as I need to
take a crap.
remember how we were taught that if we kept our homes, yards and cars clean it would bring honor to jehovah and serve as a witness to our neighbors?.
we really thought people would look at our freshly mowed lawn and they would think, "those people must represent the true god jehovah?".
those people never connected god to any of those things!.
Sad fact is the average JW needs the advice.
greg stafford is a jehovah's witness.... greg has recently said ... that he now believes that 1914 should not be a mandatory belief for jehovah's witnesses.
i notice when i am in chat a lot of people take "smoke" breaks.
i wonder how many of ya'll took up smoking after the left the org?
personally i have tried a ciggy a time or two but didn't really take to it...if i am going to smoke something i want it to make me...uuummm happy
I have some killer pot at this time.
Want some?
I never took up smoking cigs, but I
blow weed daily.